Crisis Informatics

Book (2016)

Survey (2015)

Workshop report (2024)

Research (2013-2024)

Combining authoritative and non-authoritative data

Valerio Lorini, Paola Rufolo, Carlos Castillo: Venice Was Flooding … One Tweet at a Time. In CSCW 2022. ACM Press. [doi|acm].

Valerio Lorini, Carlos Castillo, Domenico Nappo, Francesco Dottori, and Peter Salamon: Social Media Alerts can Improve, but not Replace Hydrological Models for Forecasting Floods. Web Intelligence 2020 (Short Papers). [arxiv]

Valerio Lorini, Javier Rando, Diego Saez-Trumper, Carlos Castillo: Uneven Coverage of Natural Disasters in Wikipedia: the Case of Floods. ISCRAM, Virginia, USA. [press release|iscram|arxiv].

Valerio Lorini, Carlos Castillo, Francesco Dottori, Milan Kalas, Domenico Nappo, Pater Salamon: Integrating Social Media into a Pan-European Flood Awareness System: A Multilingual Approach. In ISCRAM. Valencia, Spain. 2019. [arxiv|slides|venturebeat|engadget]

Sarah Vieweg, Carlos Castillo and Muhammad Imran: “Integrating Social Media Communications into the Rapid Assessment of Sudden Onset Disasters.” SocInfo 2014.


Hemant Purohit, Carlos Castillo, Muhammad Imran and Rahul Pandey: Social-EOC: Serviceability Model to Rank Social Media Requests for Emergency Operation Centers. In ASONAM, Barcelona, August 2018. [slides|doi]

Hemant Purohit, Carlos Castillo, Muhammad Imran, and Rahul Pandey: Ranking of Social Media Alerts with Workload Bounds in Emergency Operation Centers. To appear in Web Intelligence, Santiago, Chile, December 2018. ACM/IEEE. [ieee|doi]

Comparisons across languages/countries

Lan Li, Aisha Aldosery, Fedor Vitiugin, Naomi Nathan, David Novillo-Ortiz, Carlos Castillo, Patty Kostkova: The Response of Governments and Public Health Agencies to COVID-19 Pandemics on Social Media: A Multi-country Analysis of Twitter Discourse. Frontiers in Public Health vol. 9 [doi]

Fedor Vitiugin, Carlos Castillo: Comparison of Social Media in English and Russian During Emergencies. In ISCRAM. Valencia, Spain (WiPe).

Irina Temnikova, Carlos Castillo, Sarah Vieweg: “The Case for Readability of Crisis Communications in Social Media“. SWDM 2015, 18-22 May in Florence, Italy. [dataset]

Combining human and machine intelligence

Hemant Purohit, Cody Buntain, Amanda Hughes, Steve Peterson, Valerio Lorini, Carlos Castillo. Engage and Mobilize! Understanding Evolving Patterns of Social Media Usage in Emergency Management. To appear in CSCW 2025. [arxiv]

Rahul Pandey, Hemant Purohit, Carlos Castillo, Valerie L. Shalin. Modeling and Mitigating Human Annotation Errors to Design Efficient Stream Processing Systems with Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning. Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies 160. April 2022. Elsevier. [doi|arxiv]

Ferda Ofli, Patrick Meier, Muhammad Imran, Carlos Castillo, Devis Tuia, Nicolas Rey, Julien Briant, Pauline Millet, Friedrich Reinhard, Matthew Parkan, Stéphane Joost: Combining Human Computing and Machine Learning to Make Sense of Big (Aerial) Data for Disaster Response. Big Data, March 2016. [liebert]

Muhammad Imran, Carlos Castillo: “Towards a Data-driven Approach to Identify Crisis-Related Topics in Social Media Streams“. SWDM 2015, 18-22 May in Florence, Italy.

Muhammad Imran, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Yannick Naudet and Carlos Castillo: Engineering Crowdsourced Stream Processing Systems. Technical report. [arxiv]

Muhammad Imran, Carlos Castillo, Ji Lucas, Patrick Meier, Jakob Rogstadius: “Coordinating Human and Machine Intelligence to Classify Microblog Communications in Crises“. ISCRAM 2014.

Sarah Vieweg and Carlos Castillo: Combining Human and Machine Intelligence for Processing of Twitter Data During Mass Emergencies. STCSN e-letter vol. 2 no. 1.

Automatic classification/extraction/matching/summarization

Fedor Vitiugin, Carlos Castillo: Cross-Lingual Query-Based Summarization of Crisis-Related Social Media: An Abstractive Approach Using Transformers. To appear in HyperText 2022. ACM Press. [doi|arxiv|code].

Pakhee Kumar, Ferda Ofli, Muhammad Imran, Carlos Castillo. Detection of Disaster-Affected Cultural Heritage Sites from Social Media Images Using Deep Learning Techniques. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) [acm|doi|data and demo]

Muhammad Imran, Prasenjit Mitra, Carlos Castillo: Twitter as a Lifeline: Human-annotated Twitter Corpora for NLP of Crisis-related Messages. In Proc. of LREC 2016, pp. 1638-1643. May 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. [datasets|arxiv].

Alexandra Olteanu, Sarah Vieweg and Carlos Castillo: “What to Expect When the Unexpected Happens: Social Media Communications Across Crises” In CSCW 2015, 14-18 March in Vancouver, Canada. ACM Press. [datasets|doi|slides|TG24|la stampa|emergency mgmt|irevolution]

Muhammad Imran and Carlos Castillo: Volunteer-powered Automatic Classification of Social Media Messages for Public Health in AIDR. To appear in Public Health in the Digital Age workshop in WWW 2014.

Muhammad Imran, Shady Elbassuoni, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz and Patrick Meier: Practical Extraction of Disaster-Relevant Information from Social Media. In SWDM. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013. [acm]

Muhammad Imran, Shady Elbassuoni, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz and Patrick Meier: Extracting Information Nuggets from Disaster-Related Messages in Social Media. In ISCRAM. Baden-Baden, Germany, 2013. Best paper award (see “Practical Extraction …” for a follow-up to this work). [slides].

Hemant Purohit, Amit Sheth, Carlos Castillo, Patrick Meier, Fernando Diaz: “Emergency-Relief Coordination on Social Media: Automatically Matching Resource Requests and Offers“. First Monday 19 (1), January 2014. [bib]


Aditi Gupta, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Carlos Castillo and Patrick Meier: TweetCred: A Real-time Web-based System for Assessing Credibility of Content on Twitter. In SocInfo 2014. Runner-up for best paper award [arxiv pre-print| daily dot|wp blogs|ktnv|new yorker|wwwhatsnew|techpresident|slides|demo]

Carlos Castillo, Marcelo Mendoza, Barbara Poblete: “Information Credibility on Twitter“. In Proceedings of WWW conference, pp. 675-684. Hyderabad, India. 2011. [bib|slides (complete, prezi)|slides (partial, pdf)|acm|ars technica|wsj]. The labels used are available on request: [request by mail]

Marcelo Mendoza, Barbara Poblete, Carlos Castillo: “Twitter Under Crisis: Can we trust what we RT?“. In SOMA 2010: KDD Workshop on Social Media Analytics, Washington, DC. July 2010. [acm|bib|soma|VIDEO|wall street journal|scientific american]

Mobile app development

Fuming Shih, Oshani Seneviratne, Daniela Miao, Ilaria Liccardi, Lalana Kagal, Evan Patton, Patrick Meier, Carlos Castillo: Democratizing Mobile App Development for Disaster Management. To be presented at the IJCAI Workshop on Semantic Cities. Beijing, China, 2013.


Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz, and Hemant Purohit: Leveraging Social Media and Web of Data to Assist Crisis Response Coordination. Tutorial at SDM, Philadelphia, PA, USA. April 2014. [tutorial page]

Hemant Purohit, Carlos Castillo, Patrick Meier and Amit Sheth: Crisis Mapping, Citizen Sensing and Social Media Analytics. Tutorial at ICWSM, Cambridge, MA, USA. May 2013. [tutorial page with links and references]


Talks (partial list)