Slides from paper on automatic creation of teams

These are the slides from our paper [pdf] on creating teams automatically. It was presented last week by Aris Gionis at CIKM'10 in Toronto, Canada.

This research is about creating and assigning teams on-the-fly as a stream of tasks arrives. It is particularly useful for "horizontal" organizations where there is not a single control point deciding who gets to do what. The algorithm we present tries to balance effectiveness (allocating the rights teams to each task) and fairness (dividing evenly the workload among people, even if they have different skills).

Aris Anagnostopoulos, Carlos Castillo, Aristides Gionis, Luca Becchetti, Stefano Leonardi: "Power in Unity: Forming Teams in Large-Scale Community Systems" [pdf]. Proc. of CIKM 2010, pp. 599-608.Toronto, Canada. ACM Press.