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Representing users

Why are telecommunication companies invited to parliamentary meetings or committees as "representatives" of Internet users?

Telecommunications companies represent the interests of Internet users as much as bullfighters represent the interests of bulls.

Moral standards

If you really want to be a good person, adhering to the moral standards of your time is utterly insufficient.

IDD Tech House Mixtape—June 2015

A dark tech house mixtape with tracks from Massive Attack, Gui Boratto, Ghebro, and Liu Bei.

IDD (I Don't Dance) Tech House Mixtape - June 2015 by Chato on Mixcloud

Key references: a proposal for authors of scientific papers

Key references examplesToday I've updated the Key References proposal, an idea I floated almost 9 years ago. Basically, the idea is that you mark in the bibliography of your paper, which are the most important items that your readers should read next.

Despite coverage in the Computational Complexity blog, the initial proposal did not get much traction, however similar mechanisms have been proposed since in the bio-medical domain. The updated proposal includes these mechanisms.

Maybe now is the right time for this idea? See KeyReferences.org.


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