Last night I dreamt that there was a crowd of people outside the building where I work, so to get to my office I had to go through the underground parking lot. While I was crossing it, a limousine arrived and Ariana Grande got out… so I made a joke and greeted her “Hey Miley!” and she angrily replied “It’s MARIANE!” [for reasons that will be obvious in a moment] … to which I answered “I know, just kidding”. I didn’t know what to say so I said something like “people seem to be very excited to have you here”, to which he replied “whatever, did you know so-and-so was signed today by so-and-so ” to which I replied “by whom?” And she said “DMG Records” and I pretending to know who she was taking about was like “Wow, that’s huge!” [Note: DMG is a label from the 1980s, for years now it just manages a back catalog] and she said “You didn’t know?!” and me smiling “No, some of us have jobs, you know, which reminds me of …”, and I made the gesture that I had to go, “… so have fun!” I said bye and went up to my office.
I wanted to tell my co-workers, but I couldn’t remember the name of the artist and, oddly enough, in my dream I knew that “Mariane” was wrong, so I looked online who was in the cast of “Don’t Look Up”, there I found her name “Ariana!” and woke up. In my dreams, I’ve internet access 🙂