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Two books

I wanted to recommend a couple of funny books for Sunday afternoons or sleepless nights. The first one, "The Deeper Meaning of Liff" written by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd in 1983, is a dictionary for things that have no name (yet)". In "Liff", for instance, a "Fring" is defined as "the noise made by a light bulb that has just shone its last", and "Ahenny" is "the way people stand when examining other people's bookshelves": The second is about"101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions, written in 1998 by Kenki Kawakami, and it is devoted to the Japanese art of Chindogu. It describes invented gadgets that seem to solve a problem perfectly, but that turn out to be absurd and unusable. One of these devices is this knife with markings at different angles to obtain a high precision when dividing a cake or pie: If you have any suggestion about a similar book, please leave a comment. ¡Thank you!