ChaTo | Travelogue | Archive | August 2021

Total matches for August 2021: 18

Gratallops (1)
Gratallops (2)
Salou once again
Girona with friends
Enjoying the terrace
Tarragona once again
Nude and white nail ombré
Watching the Sagrada Familia
With my brother near Cunit (3)
The living room full of boxes (3)
A sea-inspired stamping and ombré
Watercolors of the three cats, painted by Y.
Nail stamping for friend who had henna tattoos
First time trying stand-up paddle with G. and Y.
A caravan trip to the Baldellou and the Embassament de Santa Anna with my brother and friends (1)
A caravan trip to the Baldellou and the Embassament de Santa Anna with my brother and friends (2)
A caravan trip to the Baldellou and the Embassament de Santa Anna with my brother and friends (3)
A caravan trip to the Baldellou and the Embassament de Santa Anna with my brother and friends (7)

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