
Doble Reporte de Viaje

Doble reporte de viaje: septiembre-noviembre 2007 (Varsovia y Roma) y nuestras largas vacaciones de diciembre 2007 (Holanda).

Algunas de las mejores vistas de estos viajes: Focas en Pieterburen, Bosques nevados, la Costa Brava y un día en Varsovia.


Estas son mesas-columpio que ví en Varsovia, Polonia. Los parroquianos pueden mecer la mesa y las sillas usando sus pies. Es divertido y muy relajante ;-)

Reporte de Viaje desde Amsterdam

Estas son algunas fotos que tomé en Amsterdam a fines de Julio del 2007:

A Pioneer of Color Photography

Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky was born in Rusia in 1863. In the year 1910, he had already invented a process for making color photographies. The process consisted in using a camera that taked quickly 3 sequential photos. The result where 3 images that combined provided a result that was slightly "ghostly", given that the photos where not taken simultaneously.

The inventor could transfer these results to paper, but that was a very slow and costly process. For this reason, the result was usually kept as three glass plates that could be seen with a special projector. This inspired Prokudin-Gorsky to begin the project that would make him famous: document the people and landscapes of Russia to generate material that could be used in schools for teaching.

An important collection of these photographies can be seen on-line thanks to the Library of the US Congress. I recommend the part of people at work that takes us, in full color, to the occupations of a very distant time.

Sources: Library of Congres (USA), Wikipedia

Santiago de Chile

El contraste en Santiago de Chile: una iglesia colonial y un edificio con grandes ventanales, frente a frente.


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